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Here are some photos of our ever popular Summer Fair held at The Haling Dene Centre, Penkridge on Saturday July 17th, including a selection of the Old Hall "specials" on display and some memorabilia from the Mission Hall.

Nigel setting up
Mo and Dot's huge assortment
General view
Martin and Graham doing a deal
Ron and Eileen ready for action
Andy and Judy, Ken and Carol
Lots of interest here
Nigel showing the huge Garage Jug to Diana
1930s coat brush
Margarine tub holder
40 years service badge
Assorted "specials"
Mission Hall memorabilia

As can be seen, a good time was had by some 30 of us at our evening meal at The Bridge House, Penkridge

Kathleen and David
Ron, Margaret and Brian
Dot and Mo
Barbara and Diana
Tony, Carol and Ken
Pat, Anne and Margaret
Val and Colin (the refreshment maestros)
Julie, Matthew, James and Dianne
John and June
Dianne and Nigel
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